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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09993647"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 

International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
19 March 2009 (19.03.2009) 


(10) International Publication Number 

WO 2009/034308 A2 

(51) International Patent Classification: 

C07C 233/65 (2006.01) C07C 275/64 (2006.01) 
C07C 271/58 (2006.01) C07D 213/81 (2006.01) 
C07C 275/30 (2006.01) 

(21) International Application Number: 


(22) International Filing Date: 

10 September 2008 (10.09.2008) 

(25) Filing Language: 

(26) Publication Language: 

(30) Priority Data: 




10 September 2007 (10.09.2007) IN 
10 September 2007 (10.09.2007) IN 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): CIPLA 
LIMITED [IN/IN]; 289 Bellasis Road, Mumbai central, 
Mumbai 400 008 (IN). 

(71) Applicant (for MW only): CURTIS, Philip, Anthony 

[GB/GB] ; A A Thornton & Co, 235 High Holborn, London 
WC1V 7LE (GB). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): RAO, Dharmaraj, 
Ramachandra [IN/IN]; 4/403 Garden Enclave, Pokhran 
Road 2, Thane (West), Mumbai 400 601, Maharashtra (IN). 
KANKAN, Rajendra, Narayanrao [IN/IN]; 1204, Her- 
itage, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai -400 076 (IN). 

GHAGARE, Maruti [IN/IN]; 204/4 Shree Swamikrupa, 
Dhokali, Kolshet Road, Thane (West) 400 607, Maharash- 
tra (IN). CHIKHALIKAR, Sandip [IN/IN]; A-16, 3rd 
Floor, Sampada, CHS, Telli-Galli Cross Lane, S.N. Marg 
S.N. Nagar, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 069 (IN). 

(74) Agents: COTTRILL, Emily, Elizabeth, Helen et al.; 
A.A. THORNTON & CO, 235 High Holborn, London 
WC1V 7LE (GB). 

(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every 
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, 
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(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every 
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GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, 
ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), 
European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, 
FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, 

CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— without international search report and to be republished 
upon receipt of that report 









(57) Abstract: There is provided a process for preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising the use of a compound of formula (A), 
wherein R' is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, -C(0)OA, -C(0)CX 3 , - OH C(0)NH 2 , -C(0)-NHOH or (a). There 
is also provided intermediate compounds of general formula (A), N-methyl-4-(4-ureidophenoxy)picolinamide, 4-(2- (methylcar- 
bamoyl)pyridin-4-yloxy)phenylcarbamate derivative and N-methyl-4-(4-(2,2,2- trihaloacetamido)phenoxy)picolinamide, processes 
for their preparation and their use in the preparation of sorafenib. 

WO 2009/034308 





5 Technical Field of the Invention 

The present invention relates to a novel process for the preparation of 4-(4-{3-[4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]ureido}^ or its 

pharmaceutical^ acceptable salts. 


Background of the Invention 

4-( 4 -{3-[4-chloro-3-(M^ 

carboxamide is commonly known as sorafenib (I). Sorafenib is prepared as its tosylate 
15 salt. Sorafenib blocks the enzyme RAF kinase, a critical component of the RAF/MEK/ERK 
signaling pathway that controls cell division and proliferation; in addition, sorafenib inhibits 
the VEGFR-2/PDGFR-beta signaling cascade, thereby blocking tumor angiogenesis. 

Sorafenib, marketed as Nexavar by Bayer, is a drug approved for the treatment of 
20 advanced renal cell carcinoma (primary kidney cancer). It has also received "Fast Track" 
designation by the FDA for the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (primary 
liver cancer). It is a small molecular inhibitor of Raf kinase, PDGF (platelet-derived growth 
factor), VEGF receptor 2 & 3 kinases and c Kit the receptor for Stem cell factor. 


H H 

25 (") 

WO 2009/034308 



Sorafenib and pharmaceutical^ acceptable salts thereof is disclosed in WO0042012. 
Sorafenib is also disclosed in WO0041698. Both these patents disclose processes for the 
5 preparation of sorafenib. 

WO0042012 and WO0041698 describe the process as given in scheme I which comprises 
reacting picolinic acid (II) with thionyl chloride in dimethyl formamide (DMF) to form acid 
chloride salt (III). This salt is then reacted with methylamine dissolved in tetrahydrofuran 
10 (THF) to give carboxamide (IV). This carboxamide when further reacted with 4- 
aminophenol in anhydrous DMF and potassium tert-butoxide 4-(2-(N-methylcarbamoyl)-4- 
pyridyloxy)aniline (V) is formed. Subsequent reaction of this aniline with 4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl) phenyl isocyanate (VI) in methylene chloride yields sorafenib (I). The 
reaction is represented by Scheme I as given below. 


Scheme I 

WO 2009/034308 




Picolinic acid (II) 





CH 3 NH 2 in THF 



chloride hydrochloride (III) 


phenyl isocyanate (VI) 

CH 2 CI 2 



pyridine carboxamide (IV) 


Potassium tert 

in DMF 


H 2 N 

methylpicolinamide (V) 

Sorafenib (I) 

WO2006034796 also discloses a process for the preparation of sorafenib and its tosylate 
salt. The process comprises reacting 2-picolinic acid (II) with thionyl chloride in a solvent 
5 inert toward thionyl chloride without using dimethyl formamide to form acid chloride salt 
(III). This acid salt on further reaction with aqueous solution methylamine or gaseous 
methylamine gives compound (IV). Compound (IV) is then reacted with 4-aminophenol 
with addition of a carbonate salt in the presence of a base to yield compound (V). 

10 Compound (V) can also be obtained by reacting compound (IV) with 4-aminophenol in the 
presence of water with addition of a phase transfer catalyst. Compound (V) when reacted 
with 4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl isocyanate (VI) in a non-chlorinated organic 
solvent, inert towards isocyanate gives sorafenib (I). Sorafenib by admixing with p- 

WO 2009/034308 



toluenesulfonic acid in a polar solvent gives sorafenib tosylate (VII). The reaction 
represented by Scheme II as given below. 

Scheme II 





Picolinic acid (II) 

Aq. CH 3 NH 2 



chloride hydrochloride (III) 




phenyl isocyanate (VI) 


Sorafenib (I) 

Polar solvent 


pyridine carboxamide (IV) 


Potassium tert 




Sorafenib tosylate (VII) 

in DMF 

methylpicolinamide (V) 


WO 2009/034308 



A key step in the synthesis of sorafenib is the formation of the urea bond. The processes 
disclosed in the prior art involve reactions of an isocyanate with an amine. These 
isocyanate compounds though commercially available are very expensive. Further 
synthesis of isocyanate is very difficult which requires careful and skillful handling of 
5 reagents. 

Isocyanate is prepared by reaction of an amine with phosgene or a phosgene equivalent, 
such as bis(trichloromethyl) carbonate (triphosgene) or trichloromethyl chloroformate 
(diphosgene). Isocyanate can also be prepared by using a hazardous reagent such as an 
10 azide. Also, the process for preparation of an isocyanate requires harsh reaction 
conditions such as strong acid, higher temperature etc. Further, this isocyanate is reacted 
with an amine to give urea. 

Reactions of isocyanates suffer from one or more disadvantages. For example phosgene 
15 or phosgene equivalents are hazardous and dangerous to use and handle on a large 
scale. These reagents are also not environment friendly. Isocyanates themselves are 
thermally unstable compounds and undergo decomposition on storage and they are 
incompatible with a number of organic compounds. Thus, the use of isocyanate is not well 
suited for industrial scale application. 


Hence, there is a need to develop simple and less hazardous process for large scale 
production. There is also a need to avoid, as far as possible, the use of hazardous 
chemicals and a need to use safer reagents which can be stored, handled without special 
precaution and which are environment friendly. 


Objects of the invention 

It is an object of the present invention to provide novel key intermediates for the synthesis 
of sorafenib or its pharmaceutical^ acceptable salts. 


WO 2009/034308 



It is another object of the present invention to provide processes for the preparation of the 
novel key intermediates useful in the synthesis of sorafenib or its pharmaceutically 
acceptable salts. 

5 It is yet another object of this invention to provide simple and novel processes for the 
preparation of sorafenib or its pharmaceutically acceptable salts using the novel key 

Summary of the Invention 


According to a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a compound of 
formula (A) 



wherein R' is selected from the group consisting of -C(0)OA, »C(0)CX 3 , -C(0)NH 2 ,-C(0)- 
NHOH or 


These novel compounds of formula (A) may be used in a number of novel processes for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof. None of the processes for preparing the compounds 
of formula (A), nor any of the processes for preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof using the 
compounds of formula (A), involve the use of isocyanate derivatives. As discussed above, 
25 isocyanates are highly disadvantageous because they are expensive, hazardous to make 

WO 2009/034308 



and hazardous to use. The compounds of formula (A) of the present invention on the other 
hand, are simple and safe to use so are much more suitable for industrial scale-up 
compared to the isocyanates of the prior art. Therefore, the processes of the present 
invention are highly advantageous. 


In an embodiment, R' in compound (A) is hydrogen, and the compound of formula (A) is 4- 
chloro-3-trifluoromethylaniline. In this embodiment, the compounds that are condensed 
with 4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylaniline to form sorafenib (compounds (6) and (7), described 
in more detail below) are novel. These intermediates are highly advantageous for the 
10 same reasons as given above, i.e. they are safe and simple to use compared to 
isocyanates used in the prior art. 

In another embodiment, R' is , and the compound of formula (A) is 

compound (1) described in more detail below. 


In another embodiment, R' is -C(0)OA, and the compound of formula (A) is carbamate 
derivative (2) described in more detail below. 

In another embodiment, R' is -C(0)CX3, and the compound of formula (A) is anilide 
20 derivative (3) described in more detail below. 

In another embodiment, R' is -C(0)NH2, and the compound of formula (A) is urea 
derivative (4) described in more detail below. 

25 In another embodiment, R' is -C(0)-NHOH, and the compound of formula (A) is hydroxy 
urea derivative (9) described in more detail below. 

WO 2009/034308 PCT/GB2008/003048 


According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising the use of a compound of formula (A) 

H (A) 


wherein R' is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, -C(0)OA, -C(0)CX 3 , - 

C(0)NH 2 , -C(0)-NHOH or 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a compound of 
10 formula (1) 

c 'TXa n XX (1) 

H H K J 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
15 preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting carbamate derivative (2) 


WO 2009/034308 



wherein A is alkyl or aryl, with 4-aminophenol in the presence of a solvent to obtain 
carbamate derivative (2). In an embodiment, alkyl is C1-3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso- 
propyl or n-propyl. In another embodiment, aryl is phenyl. In an embodiment, the 
5 carbamate derivative may be prepared by the process described below. 

The reaction of carbamate derivative (2) with 4-aminophenol may be carried out at a 
temperature ranging from 0 to 60°C, preferably from 40 to 60°C. 

10 The solvent may be an include organic solvent such as water, methylene dichloride 
(MDC), ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, 
ethyl methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), 
ethyl acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or mixtures thereof. 

15 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing a carbamate derivative (2) comprising reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline 
with a haloformate (2a) or a carbonate derivative (2b) 

0 2b 


1 . xSul 

3- trifluorometh^- A It 

4- chloro aniline o 

N O 

R. O H ,! 


Carbamate derivative 

20 2a 

wherein in haloformate (2a), A is alkyl or aryl, and in carbonate (2b), A is alkyl, aryl or the 
two A groups taken together form a 5 to 7 membered ring, in the presence of a base and a 
solvent to obtain carbamate derivative (2). The carbamate derivative (2) may be used in 
the process described above for preparing the compound of formula (1 ). 


WO 2009/034308 PCT/GB2008/003048 


In an embodiment, alkyl is C1-3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso-propyl or n-propyl. In 
another embodiment, aryl is phenyl. The carbonate derivative may be an aliphatic 
compound. Alternatively, the carbonate derivative may be a cyclic compound, i.e. the two 
A groups may be joined to form a 5 to 7 membered ring. The ring members making up the 
5 A group are suitably CH 2 groups. In an embodiment, the moiety of the carbonate joining 
the two oxygen ring members is -CH 2 CH 2 . In an embodiment, the haloformate or 
carbonate derivatives are selected from but not limited to phenyl chloroformate, methyl 
chloroformate, ethyl chloroformate, diethyl carbonate and [1,3]dioxolan-2-one. 

10 The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 


The reaction of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with the haloformate or carbonate 
derivative may be carried out at a temperature ranging from -10 to 25°C, preferably from - 
5 to 5°C. Typically, the haloformate or carbonate derivative is added slowly so as to 
maintain the desired temperature of the reaction mass during the addition of the 
20 haloformate or carbonate derivative. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting anilide derivative (3) with 4- 


WO 2009/034308 



wherein X is halogen, in a solvent to obtain compound (1). In an embodiment, the 
compound of formula (3) is prepared according to the process described below. 

In an embodiment, the reaction is carried out at a temperature ranging from 100 to 140°C, 
5 preferably from 1 1 0 to 120°C. 

The solvent may include organic solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), 
ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl 
methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl 
10 acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or mixtures thereof. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing anilide derivative (3) comprising reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with a 
trihaloalkyl halide, a trihaloalkyl anhydride or a trihaloalkyl ester, 




X^ cx„ 





N CX. 
H • 

wherein X is halogen and R is alkyl, to obtain anilide derivative (3). 

20 X in trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is halogen such as chlorine, bromine or iodine, 
preferably chlorine. 

WO 2009/034308 




In an embodiment, the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is selected from 
trichloroacetyl chloride, tribromoacetyl chloride, trichloro acid anhydride, ethyl 
trichloroacetate, methyl trichloroacetate, phenyl trichloroacetate and ethyl tribromoacetate. 

5 The reaction of the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester may be carried out at a 
temperature ranging from -5 to 25°C. Typically, the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester 
is added slowly so as to maintain the desired temperature of the reaction mass during the 
addition the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester. 

10 Optionally, the reaction is carried out in the presence of a base. The base used may be an 
organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected from potassium 
tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, sodium 
methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate and the like. 
The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, triethyl amine, N,N- 

15 diisopropylethyl amine and 1 ,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting urea derivative (4) with 4- 
aminophenol in a solvent to obtain compound (1). 


Urea derivative (4) 

In an embodiment, the urea derivative (4) is prepared according to the process described 


In an embodiment, the urea derivative (4) is mixed with 4-aminophenol and the reaction 
mass is heated to a temperature ranging from 70 to 100°C, preferably from 80 to 90°C. 

WO 2009/034308 



The solvent may be an organic solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), 
ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl 
methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl 
5 acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or mixtures thereof. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing urea derivative (4) comprising reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with an 
alkali cyanate in the presence of an acid to obtain urea derivative (4) 


aniline L>ea derivative (4) 

wherein M is an alkali metal. In an embodiment, the urea derivative (4) may be used in the 
process described above for preparing the compound of formula (1 ). 


M in the alkali cyanate is an alkali metal such as sodium, potassium, calcium or lithium, 
preferably sodium. The alkali cyanate is typically added slowly to 3-trifluoromethyl-4- 
chloroaniline suitably at a temperature ranging from 40 to 50°C. 

20 The acid may be an organic or inorganic acid. The organic acid may be selected from 
acids such as but not limited to acetic acid, oxalic acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, succinic 
acid, benzene sulphonic acid, tartaric acid or methane sulphonic acid. The inorganic acid 
may be selected from acids such as but not limited to hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, 
sulphuric acid, nitric acid or phosphoric acid. 


WO 2009/034308 



According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting phenoxy urea (5) with 3- 
trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in a solvent in the presence of a base to obtain compound 



In an embodiment, the phenoxy urea (5) is prepared according to the process described 


In an embodiment, the reaction of the phenoxy urea (5) and 3-trifluoromethyl-4- 
chloroaniline is carried out at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. 

The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
15 from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

20 The solvent may be an organic solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), 
ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl 
methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl 
acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or mixtures thereof. 

25 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing phenoxy urea (5) comprising reacting 4-aminophenol 

WO 2009/034308 








Phenoxy urea (5) 

wherein M is an alkali metal, with an alkali cyanate in the presence of an acid to obtain 
5 phenoxy urea (5). In an embodiment, the phenoxy urea (5) is used in a process described 
above for preparing the compound of formula (1). 

M in the alkali cyanate is an alkali metal such as sodium, potassium, calcium or lithium, 
preferably sodium. 


The acid may be an organic or inorganic acid. The organic acid may be selected from 
acids such as but not limited to acetic acid, oxalic acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, succinic 
acid, benzene sulphonic acid, tartaric acid or methane sulphonic acid. The inorganic acid 
may be selected from acids such as but not limited to hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, 
15 sulphuric acid, nitric acid or phosphoric acid. 

The alkali cyanate is typically added slowly to the 4-aminophenol. The reaction may be 
carried out at a temperature ranging from 20 to 25°C. 

20 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising reacting a compound of formula (1) with 4- 
chloro-N-methyl-2-pyridine carboxamide in the presence of a base to obtain sorafenib and 
optionally converting sorafenib to a salt thereof. 

WO 2009/034308 


The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
5 hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

The reaction may be carried out at temperature a ranging from 20 to 80°C. 


In an embodiment, sorafenib is converted to sorafenib tosylate. 

In an embodiment, the compound of formula (1) has been prepared according to any one 
of the processes described above. 


According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a compound of 
formula (6). 


According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing a compound of formula (6) comprising reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof 

WO 2009/034308 








4^4^aminophenoxy}- N- 

m ethyl pi coli rami de ( V J ^ 

wherein M is an alkali metal, with an alkali cyanate in the presence of a protic solvent to 
obtain compound (6). In an embodiment, the compound of formula (6) is used in the 
5 process described above for preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof. 

M in the alkali cyanate is an alkali metal such as sodium, potassium, calcium or lithium, 
preferably sodium. 

10 The protic solvent may be selected from acids such as but not limited to acetic acid, oxalic 
acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, benzene sulphonic acid, tartaric acid, methane 
sulphonic acid or an inorganic acid. The inorganic acid may be selected from acids such 
as but not limited to hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid or 
phosphoric acid. 

The alkali cyanate may be added to 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or its salt 
at 20-25°C. The addition of alkali cyanate to 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide is 
typically carried out slowly so as to maintain the desired temperature of the reaction mass 
during the addition of the alkali metal cyanate. After addition, the reaction mass may be 
20 stirred to obtain intermediate (6). 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising reacting compound (6) with 4-chloro-3- 
trifluoromethylaniline in the presence of a base and a solvent to obtain sorafenib and 
25 optionally converting sorafenib to a salt thereof. 


WO 2009/034308 PCT/GB2008/003048 

In an embodiment, the base is potassium tert.butoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium 
5 hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium 
carbonate, sodium carbonate, pyridine, dimethyl amine, triethylamine, N,N-diisopropylethyl 
amine or 1 ,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

The solvent may include organic solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), 
10 ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuan (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methylisobutyl ketone, ethylmethyl 
ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl acetate, 
acetone, acetonitrile or mixtures thereof. 

In an embodiment, sorafenib is converted to sorafenib tosylate. 


In an embodiment, the compound of formula (6) has been prepared according to a 
process described above. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a compound of 
20 formula (7). 

WO 2009/034308 



wherein A is alkyl or aryl. In an embodiment, alkyl is C1.3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso- 
propyl or n-propyl. In another embodiment aryl is phenyl. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
5 preparing the compound of formula (7) comprising reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with a haloformate (2a) or a carbonate derivative (2b) 



4-(4~aminophenoxy)-N- I 
methyl pi cdi rami de (V) ft 


A \ JL / A 



wherein in haloformate (2a), A is alkyl or aryl, and in carbonate (2b), A is alkyl, aryl or the 
two A groups taken together form a 5 to 7 membered ring, in the presence of a base to 
obtain the compound of formula (7). 

15 In an embodiment, the 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof is 
reacted with the haloformate or a carbonate derivative at a temperature ranging from -5 to 
25°C preferably from 0 to 5°C. 

In an embodiment, alkyl is C1.3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso-propyl or n-propyl. In 
20 another embodiment aryl is phenyl. The carbonate derivative may be an aliphatic 
compound. Alternatively, the carbonate derivative may be a cyclic compound, i.e. the two 
A groups may be joined to form a ring. In an embodiment, the moiety of the carbonate 
joining the two oxygen ring members is -CH2CH2-. In an embodiment, the haloformate or 

WO 2009/034308 



carbonate derivatives are selected from but not limited to phenyl chloroformate, methyl 
chloroformate, ethyl chloroformate, diethyl carbonate and [1 ,3]dioxolan-2-one. 

The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
5 from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

10 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising reacting compound (7) with 4-chloro-3- 

wherein A is alkyl or aryl, to obtain sorafenib and optionally converting the sorafenib to a 
salt thereof. In an embodiment, alkyl is C1-3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso-propyl or n- 
propyl. In another embodiment aryl is phenyl. 

20 The reaction may be carried out in a solvent which may include water or an organic 
solvent such as methylene dichloride (MDC), ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran (THF), 
1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl formamide 
(DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or mixtures thereof. 





25 The reaction mass may be heated to the reflux temperature of the solvent. 

WO 2009/034308 



According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a compound of 
formula (8) 



wherein X is halogen. Halogen may be selected from chlorine, bromine or iodine, 
preferably chlorine. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
10 preparing a compound of formula (8) comprising reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with a trihaloalkyl halide, a trihaloanhydride or a trihalo 


4.(*aminophenoxy}-N- CXSCO^O OR 

methyl pi cdinamids (V) CXjCOOR ^ 


wherein X is halogen, to obtain the compound of formula (8). In an embodiment, the 
compound (8) is used in the process described above for preparing sorafenib or a salt 

20 X in trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is halogen such as chlorine, bromine, iodine, 
preferably chlorine. The trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester may be selected from the 
group consisting of trichloroacetyl chloride, tribromoacetyl chloride, trichloroacid anhydride, 

WO 2009/034308 



ethyl trichloroacetate, methyl trichloroacetate, phenyl trichloroacetate, ethyl 

The trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is typically added slowly to 4-(4- 
5 aminophenoxy)-N-methyl picolinamide so as to maintain the desired temperature of the 
reaction mass during addition of the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester. The 
temperature at which reaction is carried out may range from 0 to 150°C. The reaction is 
optionally carried out in the presence of a base. 

10 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising reacting compound (8) with 4-chloro-3- 

+-cMcfo->lrMiJorome Ixrlarltne 


wherein X is halogen, in the presence of a base to obtain sorafenib and optionally 
converting the sorafenib to a salt thereof. In an embodiment, the compound (8) is prepared 
according to the process described above. X is halogen such as chlorine, bromine or 
iodine, preferably chlorine. 


The reaction may be carried out in the presence of a solvent which may include organic 
solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran 
(THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl 
formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or 
25 mixtures thereof. 

WO 2009/034308 



The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
5 triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

In an embodiment, the reaction is carried out at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
10 preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with carbamate derivative (2) (which is the same as 
carbamate derivative (2) described above) 


wherein A is alkyl or aryl, to obtain sorafenib and optionally converting the sorafenib to a 
salt thereof. In an embodiment, alkyl is C1-3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso-propyl or n- 
propyl. In another embodiment, aryl is phenyl. 

20 The reaction mass may be stirred at a temperature ranging from 30 to 50°C to obtain the 
final product. 

The reaction may be carried out in the presence of a solvent which may include organic 
solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran 
25 (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl 

WO 2009/034308 



formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or 
mixtures thereof. 

In an embodiment, the carbamate derivative (2) is prepared according to the process 
5 described above. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with an anilide derivative of formula (3) (which is the 
10 same as anilide derivative (3) described above) 

A rilide derivative (3) 4-(4.aminophenoxy>N- 

. methyipicolinamide 

H H 


15 wherein X is halogen, in the presence of a base to obtain sorafenib and optionally 
converting the sorafenib to a salt thereof. X is halogen such as chlorine, bromine or 
iodine, preferably chlorine. 

The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
20 from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

WO 2009/034308 



The reaction may be carried out in the presence of a solvent, which may include organic 
solvent such as water, as methylene dichloride (MDC), ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran 
(THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl 
5 formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or 
mixtures thereof. 

The reaction may be carried out at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. 

10 In an embodiment, the anilide derivative (3) is prepared according to the process 
described above. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
15 methylpicolinamide or a alt thereof with urea derivative (4) (which is the same as the urea 
derivative (4) described above) 

H H 



in the presence of a base to obtain sorafenib, and optionally converting the sorafenib to a 
salt thereof. 

WO 2009/034308 



The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
5 carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

The reaction may be carried out in the presence of a solvent, which may include an 
organic solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), ethylene dichloride, 
10 tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl methyl ketone, toluene, 
N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl acetate, acetone, 
acetonitrile or mixtures thereof 

The reaction may be carried out at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. 


In an embodiment, the urea derivative (4) is prepared according to the process described 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a compound of 
20 formula (9) 

WO 2009/034308 



According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
preparing hydroxy urea derivative (9) (i.e. the compound (A) in which R' is -C(O)-NHOH) 
comprising reacting carbamate derivative (2) with a hydroxyl amine in a protic solvent. 


The hydroxyl amine is suitably used as its salt, for example its hydrochloride salt. 
10 Carbamate derivative (2) and the hydroxyl amine salt may be mixed and then heated to 
the reflux temperature of the solvent. 

The protic solvent may be selected from acids such as but not limited to acetic acid, oxalic 
acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, benzene sulphonic acid, tartaric acid, methane 
15 sulphonic acid or an inorganic acid. The inorganic acid may be selected from acids such 
as but not limited to hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid or 
phosphoric acid. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a process for 
20 preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with hydroxyl urea derivative (9) (i.e. the compound 
(A) in which R' is -C(O)-NHOH) 

WO 2009/034308 


5 to obtain sorafenib, and optionally converting the sorafenib to a salt thereof. 

The reaction is typically carried out in the presence of a base. The base used may be an 
organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected from potassium 
tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, sodium 
10 methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate and the like. 
The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, triethyl amine, N,N- 
diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

The reaction may be carried out at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. 


Sorafenib prepared according to any one of the processes described above forms another 
aspect of the present invention. 

The salt of sorafenib prepared according to any one of the processes described above 
20 forms another aspect of the present invention. 

WO 2009/034308 



According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a pharmaceutical 
composition comprising sorafenib or a salt thereof as prepared according to any one of the 
processes described above, together with at least one pharmaceutical^ acceptable 
excipient. Such pharmaceutical compositions and excipient(s) are well known to those 
5 skilled in the art. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided the use of 
sorafenib or a salt thereof as prepared according to any one of the processes described 
above in medicine. 


According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided the use of 
sorafenib or a salt thereof as prepared according to any one of the processes described 
above in treating renal cell carcinoma or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. 

15 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided the use of 
sorafenib or a salt thereof as prepared according to any one of the processes described 
above in the manufacture of a medicament for treating renal cell carcinoma or advanced 
hepatocellular carcinoma. 

20 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for the 
treatment of renal cell carcinoma or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma comprising 
administering to a patient in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of sorafenib or 
a salt thereof as prepared according to any one of the processes described above. 

25 Detailed Description of the Invention 

The present invention relates to novel key intermediates useful in the synthesis of 
sorafenib or its pharmaceutically acceptable salts. 

WO 2009/034308 



In an embodiment, intermediate (1) of the present invention is obtained by a process 
comprising the steps of: 

a) reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with a haloformate, such as chloroformate, or 
a carbonate derivative in the presence of a base and a suitable solvent and at a suitable 

5 temperature to obtain carbamate derivative (2). 

b) reacting carbamate derivative (2) with 4-aminophenol in the presence of a suitable 
organic solvent to obtain intermediate (1). The reaction is represented by Scheme III. 

Scheme III 





NH 2 

3- trifluoromethyl- 

4- chloroaniline 

OR o 

A = R or Ar 
X = Halogen 



Carbamate derivative 

CF 3 



N N 
H H 

^ in 


A in the haloformate or carbonate derivative may be alkyl (R) or aryl (Ar) wherein alkyl is 
C1-3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso-propyl or n-propyl, and aryl is preferably phenyl. The 
carbonate derivative may be an aliphatic or cyclic compound (i.e. the two A groups taken 
together form a ring). Examples of haloformate or carbonate derivatives which can be 
15 used are selected from but not limited to phenyl chloroformate, methyl chloroformate, ethyl 
chloroformate, diethyl carbonate, [1 ,3]dioxolan-2-one and the like. 

The base used may be an organic or inorganic base. The inorganic base may be selected 
from potassium tertbutoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium 
20 hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium carbonate, sodium 
carbonate and the like. The organic base may be selected from pyridine, dimethyl amine, 
triethyl amine, N,N-diisopropylethyl amine and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. 

The reaction of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with the haloformate or carbonate 
25 derivative may be carried out at a temperature ranging from -10 to 25°C, preferably from - 

WO 2009/034308 



5 to 5°C. Typically, the haloformate or carbonate derivative is added slowly so as to 
maintain the temperature of the reaction mass. 

The reaction of carbamate derivative (2) with 4-aminophenol is carried out at a higher 
5 temperature ranging from 0 to 60°C, preferably from 40 to 60°C wherein the mixture of 
carbamate derivative and 4-aminophenol is heated to the temperature ranging from 40 to 

Suitable solvent may include organic solvents such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), 
10 ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1,4-dioxane, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl 
methyl ketone, toluene, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl 
acetate, acetone, acetonitrile or mixtures thereof. 

In another embodiment of the present invention, intermediate (1) may be obtained by the 
15 process comprising steps of: 

a) reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with a trihaloalkyl halide such as a trihaloalkyl 
chloride, or a trihaloalkyl anhydride or a trihaloalkyl ester to obtain anilide derivative (3). 

b) reacting anilide derivative (3) with 4-aminophenol in a suitable organic solvent at a 
suitable temperature to obtain intermediate (1). The reaction is represented by Scheme IV. 



Scheme IV 


OR * 
(CX3CO) 2 0 OR 








Trihaloalkyl halide 
or anhydride or ester 

v N CX^ 
H 3 

Anilide derivative (3) 






X in trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is halogen such as chlorine, bromine or iodine, 
preferably chlorine. R has the same meaning as defined for Scheme III above. The 
25 trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester used is selected from but not limited to 

WO 2009/034308 



trichloroacetyl chloride, tribromoacetyl chloride, trichloro acid anhydride, ethyl 
trichloroacetate, methyl trichloroacetate, phenyl trichloroacetate, ethyl tribromoacetate, 
and the like. The reaction of the trihaloalkyl haiide or anhydride or ester is carried out at a 
temperature ranging from -5 to 25°C. Typically, the trihaloalkyl haiide or anhydride or ester 
5 is added slowly so as to maintain the desired temperature of the reaction mass during 
addition of the trihalo compound. 

The reaction of anilide derivative (3) with 4-aminophenol is carried out at a higher 
temperature ranging from 100 to 140°C, preferably from 110 to 120°C wherein the mixture 
10 of anilide derivative and 4-aminophenol is heated to the temperature ranging from 110 to 

Optionally, the reaction steps are carried out in the presence of a base. The base may be 
an organic or inorganic base as described for Scheme III above. 


The suitable solvent may be an organic solvent as described for Scheme III above. 

In an alternative embodiment, intermediate (1) may be made via another process which 
comprises the steps: 

20 a) reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with an alkali cyanate in acidic conditions at a 
suitable temperature to obtain urea derivative (4); and 

b) reacting urea derivative (4) with 4-aminophenol in a suitable organic solvent at a 
suitable temperature to obtain intermediate (1). The reaction is represented by Scheme V. 

Scheme V 

25 chloroaniline 

WO 2009/034308 



M in the alkali cyanate is an alkali metal such as sodium, potassium, calcium or lithium, 
preferably sodium. The alkali cyanate is typically added slowly to 3-trifluoromethyl-4- 
chloroaniline suitably at a temperature ranging from 40 to 50°C. The acid may be an 
5 organic or inorganic acid. The organic acid may be selected from acids such as but not 
limited to acetic acid, oxalic acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, benzene 
sulphonic acid, tartaric acid or methane sulphonic acid. The inorganic acid may be 
selected from acids such as but not limited to hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, 
sulphuric acid, nitric acid or phosphoric acid. 


The urea derivative obtained in step a) is mixed with 4-aminophenol and the reaction mass 
is typically heated to a temperature ranging from 70 to 100°C, preferably from 80 to 90°C. 

Suitable solvents used for both the steps are organic solvents as described for scheme III 
1 5 above. 

In an yet another embodiment, intermediate (1) may be made via another process which 
comprises the steps: 

a) reacting 4-aminophenol with an alkali cyanate in acidic conditions at a suitable 
20 temperature to obtain phenoxy urea (5); and 

b) reacting phenoxy urea (5) with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in a suitable organic 
solvent at a suitable temperature in the presence of a base to obtain intermediate (1). The 
reaction is represented by Scheme VI. 

Scheme VI 


WO 2009/034308 



The alkali cyanate and acid used in step a) are the same as described in step a) of 
Scheme V above. The alkali cyanate is typically added slowly to the 4-aminophenol. The 
reaction may be carried out at a temperature ranging from 20 to 25°C. 


The reaction of the phenoxy urea (5) and 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline is suitably 
carried out at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. The base and the solvents used 
are the same as described for Scheme Ml above. 

10 In another embodiment, there is provided an intermediate of formula (1). 

T 3 

fl o 

H H 

A schematic representation of various processes for the preparation of novel intermediate 
15 (1) is as follows : 

WO 2009/034308 


Scheme III 



Scheme IV 

CF 3 

H H 

^ (D 

Scheme VI 




Scheme V 

In another aspect of the present invention, intermediate (1) is used in the synthesis of 
sorafenib. In an embodiment, intermediate (1 ) is reacted with 4-chloro-N-methyl-2-pyridine 
carboxamide in the presence of a base at a suitable temperature. The reaction is 
represented by Scheme VII. 

WO 2009/034308 



4-ch I oro-N-m ethyl 
-2-pyridine carboxamide 

H H 


The base may be the same as that described for scheme III above. The reaction may be 
carried out at a temperature ranging from 20 to 80°C. 


The advantage of this process is that it gives a good yield and purity of sorafenib. 

According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided novel intermediate 


According to another aspect of the present invention, intermediate (6) is used in the 
preparation of sorafenib. In an embodiment, the process comprises the steps of: 
a) reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with an alkali 
cyanate in the presence of a protic solvent at a suitable temperature to obtain intermediate 
15 (6); and 

WO 2009/034308 



b) reacting intermediate (6) with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in the presence of a base 
and an organic solvent at a suitable temperature to obtain sorafenib. The reaction is 
represented by Scheme Ilia below. 

5 M in the alkali cyanate in Scheme Ilia is an alkali metal such as sodium, potassium, 
calcium or lithium, preferably sodium. The protic solvent may be selected from acids such 
as but not limited to acetic acid, oxalic acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, 
benzene sulphonic acid, tartaric acid, methane sulphonic acid or an inorganic acid. The 
inorganic acid may be selected from acids such as but not limited to hydrochloric acid, 
10 hydrobromic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid or phosphoric acid. 

The alkali cyanate may be added to 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or its salt 
at 20-25°C. The addition of alkali cyanate to 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide is 
typically carried out slowly so as to maintain the desired temperature of the reaction mass 
15 during addition of the alkali cyanate. After addition, the reaction mass may be stirred to 
obtain intermediate (6). 

Intermediate (6) is then reacted with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in the presence of a 
base such as but not limited to potassium tert.butoxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium 

20 hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, sodium methoxide, potassium methoxide, potassium 
carbonate, sodium carbonate, pyridine, dimethyl amine, triethylamine, N,N-diisopropylethyl 
amine or 1 ,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene. The suitable solvent may be an organic 
solvent such as water, methylene dichloride (MDC), ethylene dichloride, tetrahydrofuan 
(THF), 1,4-dioxane, methylisobutyl ketone, ethylmethyl ketone, toluene, N,N- 

25 dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl acetate, acetone, acetonitrile 
or mixtures thereof. 

The reaction mass may be heated to the reflux temperature of the solvent. 

WO 2009/034308 



In another embodiment of the present invention, sorafenib is prepared by a process 
comprising the steps: 

a) reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with a haloformate 
such as chloroformate or a carbonate derivative in the presence of a base at a suitable 

5 temperature to obtain intermediate (7); and 

b) reacting intermediate (7) with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline to obtain sorafenib. The 
reaction is represented by Scheme IVa below. 

4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide is reacted with a haloformate or a carbonate 
10 derivative in the presence of the base typically at a temperature ranging from -5 to 25°C 
preferably from 0 to 5°C. 

A in the haloformate or carbonate derivative may be alkyl (R) or aryl (Ar) wherein alkyl is 
C1-3 alkyl, suitably methyl, ethyl, iso-propyl or n-propyl, and aryl is preferably phenyl. The 
15 carbonate derivative may be an aliphatic or cyclic compound (i.e. the two A groups taken 
together form a ring). Examples of haloformate or carbonate derivatives which can be 
used are selected from but not limited to phenyl chloroformate, methyl chloroformate, ethyl 
chloroformate, diethyl carbonate, [1 ,3]dioxolan-2-one and the like. 

20 The base used is the same as the base described for Scheme Ilia above. 

Intermediate (7) is then mixed with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in an organic solvent in 
the same way as described above in relation to Scheme Ilia. The reaction mass may be 
heated to the reflux temperature of the solvent. 


In yet another embodiment of the present invention, sorafenib may also be prepared by a 
process comprising the steps: 

a) reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with a trihaloalkyl 
halide for example a trihaloalkyl chloride, or a trihaloanhydride or a trihalo ester at a 
30 suitable temperature to obtain intermediate (8); and 

WO 2009/034308 



b) reacting intermediate (8) with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline to obtain sorafenib. The 
reaction is represented by Scheme Va. 

X in trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is halogen such as chlorine, bromine, iodine, 
5 preferably chlorine. The trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester may be selected from the 
group consisting of trichloroacetyl chloride, tribromoacetyl chloride, trichloroacid anhydride, 
ethyl trichloroacetate, methyl trichloroacetate, phenyl trichloroacetate, ethyl 
tri b ro m oacetate . 

10 The trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is typically added slowly to 4-(4- 
aminophenoxy)-N-methyl picolinamide so as to maintain the desired temperature of the 
reaction mass during addition of the trihalo compound. The temperature at which reaction 
is carried out may range from 0 to 150°C. The reaction is optionally carried out in the 
presence of a base. 


Intermediate (8) is then mixed with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in an organic solvent in 
the same way as described above in relation to Scheme Ilia typically at an elevated 
temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. The reaction is carried out in presence of a base. 
The base used is the same as described in relation to Scheme Ilia above. 

WO 2009/034308 



Scheme Ilia Scheme IVa Scheme Va 



H H 


WO 2009/034308 



In another embodiment of the present invention, sorafenib is alternatively prepared by 
condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with a carbamate 
derivative (2). The solvent used in the reaction is the same as described above in relation 
to Scheme Ilia above. The reaction mass may be stirred at a temperature ranging from 30 
5 to 50°C to obtain the final product. The reaction is represented by Scheme Via. The 
carbamate derivative (2) is the same as the carbamate derivative used in Scheme III 

The carbamate derivative (2) may be prepared by reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline 
10 with a haloformate such as a chloroformate or carbonate derivative in the presence of a 
base as described in relation to scheme Ilia above. Addition of the haloformate or 
carbonate derivative to 3-trifIuoromethyl-4-chloroaniline is typically carried out slowly so as 
to maintain the desired temperature of the reaction mass during addition of the alkali 
cyanate. The temperature at which reaction is carried out may be in the range from -10 to 
15 25°C. 


In yet another embodiment of the present invention sorafenib is alternatively prepared by 
condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide with a urea derivative (4) in the 
presence of a base. The reaction may involve mixing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
20 methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with urea derivative (4) in a suitable solvent at a 
temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. Further, the reaction is carried out in presence of 
a base. The base and the solvent used are the same as described in relation to Scheme 
Ilia above. The reaction is represented by Scheme Vila. The urea derivative (4) is the 
same as the urea derivative used in Scheme V above. 


Urea derivative (4) may be prepared by reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline or an 
acid addition salt thereof with an alkali cyanate in the presence of a protic solvent. The 
alkali cyanate and protic solvent are the same as described above in relation to Scheme 
Ilia. The alkali cyanate is typically added slowly to 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline at a 
30 temperature ranging from 40 to 50°C. 

WO 2009/034308 



In yet another alternative embodiment of the present invention sorafenib is alternatively 
prepared by condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with 
anilide derivative (3). Typically, the reaction is carried out in a suitable solvent and in the 
5 presence of a base optionally at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. The solvent 
and the base used is the same as described above in relation to Scheme Ilia. The reaction 
is represented by Scheme Villa. The anilide derivative (3) is the same as the anilide 
derivative used in Scheme IV above. 

10 Anilide derivative (3) may be obtained by reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with a 
trihaloalkyl halide such as a trihaloalkyl chloride or a trihaloanhydride or a trihalo ester. 
The reaction of the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester is typically carried out at a 
temperature ranging from -5 to 25°C. Suitably, the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester 
is added slowly so as to maintain a constant temperature of the reaction mass during 

15 addition of the trihaloalkyl halide or anhydride or ester. Optionally the reaction is carried 
out in presence of a base. The base and the solvent used are the same as described 
above in relation to Scheme Ilia. 

In yet another embodiment of the present invention, sorafenib is prepared by condensing 
20 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with hydroxy urea derivative 
(9). The reaction is typically carried out in the presence of a base as described above in 
relation to Scheme Ilia and optionally at a temperature ranging from 100 to 150°C. The 
reaction is represented by Scheme IX. 

25 Hydroxy urea derivative (9) may be obtained by reacting carbamate derivative (2) with a 
hydroxyl amine in a protic solvent. The hydroxyl amine is suitably used as its salt, for 
example its hydrochloride salt. Carbamate derivative (2) and the hydroxyl amine salt may 
be mixed and then heated to the reflux temperature of the solvent. The protic solvent is the 
same as described above in relation to Scheme Ilia. 


WO 2009/034308 




Scheme Via Scheme Vila Scheme Villa Scheme IX 

H ' H 



WO 2009/034308 



The synthesis of intermediates (2), (3) & (4) is shown below in Scheme X. 

Scheme X 



A = R or Ar 
X = Halogen 

MOCN / H+ 



O— A 


fc 3 OR 
Trihaloalkyl halide 

or anhydride or ester (CX3CO) 2 0 OR 

Carbamate derivative 




Urea derivative 

Anilide derivative 


The synthesis of intermediate (9) is shown below in Scheme XL 

Scheme XI 

Carbamate derivative (4) 

Hydroxy urea derivative (9) 

WO 2009/034308 



Optionally, the sorafenib may be converted into a pharmaceutical^ acceptable salt 
thereof, more specifically into its tosylate salt. The tosylate salt of sorafenib may be 
prepared by reaction with p-toluene sulfonic acid. 


The present invention is now further illustrated by the following examples, which do not, in 
any way, limit the scope of the invention. 



Example 1: Synthesis of phenyl 4-chloro-3-(trifiuoromethyl)phenylcarbamate 
(Compound 2) 

3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (25 g, 0.1278 mol) and pyridine (26 ml, 0.3195 mol) were 
1 5 dissolved in dichloromethane (250 ml). The reaction mass was cooled to 0°C to -5°C and 
a solution of phenyl chloroformate (22 ml, 0.1661 mol) in dichloromethane (100 ml) was 
added drop wise maintaining the temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. The 
reaction mass was stirred at 0°C to 5°C for 1-2 hours and quenched with water (200 ml) 
below 10°C.The organic phase was separated and washed with water followed by 1N HCI. 
20 It was then dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated to obtain solid. This solid was 
agitated with hexane (350 ml) at ambient temperature for 2-3 hours and filtered. The 
obtained product was vacuum dried at 50°C to give phenyl 4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamate (36 g) as white solid. 

25 Example 2: Synthesis of 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4- 
hydroxyphenyl)urea (Compound 1) 

To the dry N,N-dimethyl formamide (150 ml) phenyl 4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamate (50 g, 0.15873 mol) and p-amino phenol (20.78 g, 
30 0.1904 mol) were added at room temperature. The reaction mass was then heated to 

WO 2009/034308 



50°C for 4-6 hours and cooled to room temperature. Water (500 ml) was added and the 
obtained mass was extracted with ethyl acetate and the combined extracts were washed 
with water. It was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated to obtain semi solid. The 
residue was then charged with acetonitrile (700 ml) and the obtained precipitate was 
5 stirred at ambient temperature for 2-3 hours. The solid was filtered and washed thoroughly 
with acetonitrile till clear filtrate was obtained. The solid thus obtained was dried in vacuum 
oven at 50°C to afford the desired 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4- 
hydroxyphenyl)urea (40 g). 

10 Example 3: Synthesis of 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl) 
acetamide (Compound 3) 

The clear solution of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (35 g, 0.1789 mol) and pyridine (36 
ml, 0.447 mol) in dichloromethane (350 ml) was cooled at 0°C to -5°C and a solution of 

15 trichloro acetyl chloride (26ml, 0.2326 mol) in dichloromethane (75 ml) was added drop 
wise maintaining temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. The reaction mass was 
stirred for 1 hour below 0°C and quenched with water (150 ml) below 5°C. The organic 
phase was separated and aqueous layer was reextracted with dichloromethane. The 
combined dichloromethane layer was then washed with water, dried over sodium sulfate 

20 and evaporated under vacuum to obtain (55 g) the desired product i.e. 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4- 
chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) acetamide. 

Example 4: Synthesis of 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl) 
acetamide (Compound 3) 


The clear solution of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (35 g, 0.1789 mol) and pyridine (36 
ml, 0.447 mol) in dichloromethane (350 ml) was cooled at 0°C to -5°C and a solution of 
trichloro acid anhydride (42.8 ml, 0.2345 mol) in dichloromethane (75 ml) was added drop 
wise maintaining temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. The reaction mass was 
30 stirred for 1 hour below 0°C and quenched with water (150 ml) below 5°C. The organic 

WO 2009/034308 



phase was separated and aqueous layer was reextracted with dichloromethane. The 
combined dichloromethane layer was then washed with water, dried over sodium sulfate 
and evaporated under vacuum to obtain (52 g) the desired product i.e. 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4- 
chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl) acetamide. 


Example 5: Synthesis of 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) 
acetamide (Compound 3) 

3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (50 g, 0.255 mol) was mixed with ethyi-2,2,2-trichloro 
10 acetate (150 ml) in toluene (500 ml) at room temperature. The mixture was refluxed for 2-3 
hours. The organic solvent was degassed under reduced pressure to obtain oil. This oil 
was stirred with hexane to obtain the desired product (79 g) i.e. 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro- 
3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl) acetamide. 

15 Example 6: Synthesis of 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4- 
hydroxyphenyl)urea (Compound 1) 

2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) acetamide (25 g, 0.07338 mol) was 
dissolved in dimethyl formamide (75 ml). 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (17.5 ml, 

20 0.1 1731 mol) and 4-amino phenol (9.6 g, 0.0879 mol) were added in one lot. The reaction 
mass was heated to 110-120°C for 18-20 hours, cooled to room temperature and 
quenched in water (750 ml). The quenched mass was extracted repeatedly with ethyl 
acetate and the combined ethyl acetate layer was then back washed with water. It was 
then dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated under vacuum to obtain solid. The obtained 

25 solid was slurried in acetonitrile (300 ml) at ambient temperature and filtered to give 1-(4- 
chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)urea (18 g). 

Example 7: Synthesis of 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)urea (Compound 4) 

WO 2009/034308 



Sodium cyanate (1.7 g, 0.02 mol) was dissolved in water (17 ml) at room temperature to 
obtain a clear solution. This solution was then charged drop wise to the clear solution of 3- 
trifluoromethyl-4-chloro aniline (5 g, 0.025 mol) in acetic acid (25 ml) at 40°C-45°C within 
1-2 hours. The reaction mass was then agitated for whole day cooling gradually to room 
5 temperature. The obtained solid was then filtered, washed with water and vacuum dried at 
50°C to afford (4.5 g) the desired product i.e. 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)urea. 

Example 8: Synthesis of 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4- 
hydroxyphenyl)urea (Compound 1) 


1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)urea (100 g, 0.04191 mol), 1 ,8- 
diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (9.4 ml, 0.0628 mol) and 4-amino phenol (5.48 g, 0.050 
mol) were mixed with dimethyl sulfoxide (25 ml) and the reaction mass was heated to 80°- 
90°C for 8-9 hours. It was then cooled to room temperature and quenched in water (150 

15 ml). The quenched mass was extracted repeatedly with ethyl acetate and the combined 
ethyl acetate layer was then back washed with water. The residue was then dried over 
sodium sulfate and evaporated under vacuum to obtain solid. The solid thus obtained was 
then slurried in acetonitrile (100 ml) at ambient temperature and filtered. It was washed 
repeatedly with acetonitrile till clear filtrate was obtained. The obtained cake was suck 

20 dried for 10 minutes and vacuum dried at 50°C to give 1-(4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)urea (9.8 g). 

Example 9: Synthesis of 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)urea (Compound 5) 

25 4-aminophenol (45 g, 0.4123 mol) was charged in water and acetic acid mixture (9:1) (450 
vol) to obtain a clear solution. To this clear solution was added drop wise previously 
prepared solution of sodium cyanate (29.48 g, 0.45358 mol) in water over a period of 1 
hour. The reaction mass obtained was stirred for 6 hours at ambient temperature and 
filtered to obtain solid. The solid was washed with water and vacuum dried to obtain the 

30 desired product i.e. 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)urea. (48 g) 

WO 2009/034308 



Example 1 0 : Synthesis of 1 -(4-chloro-3-(trif luoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4- 
hydroxyphenyl)urea (Compound 1) 

To the dry N,N-dimethylformamide (45 ml) and 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)urea (15 g, 0.0985 
5 mol) solution were added triethylamine (34 ml, 0.24646 mol) and 3-trifluoromethyl-4- 
chloroaniline (19.28 g, 0.0985 mol) in one lot. This reaction mass was then agitated at 
100°C for 10-12 hours, quenched in water and the aqueous layer was extracted with ethyl 
acetate. The ethyl acetate layer was back washed with water and dried over sodium 
sulfate. It was evaporated under vacuum to obtain solid. The obtained solid was slurried in 
10 acetonitrile (100 ml) at ambient temperature, filtered and washed repeatedly with 
acetonitrile till the clear filtrate was obtained. The obtained cake was then suck dried for 10 
minutes and vacuum dried at 50°C to give 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4- 
hydroxyphenyl)urea (25 g). 

15 Example 11: Synthesis of 4-(4-{3-[4-Chloro-3- 

(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]ureido}phenoxy)-A/ 2 -methylpyridine-2-carboxamide 
(Compound I — sorafenib) 

1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)urea (35 g, 0.1060 mol) was 
20 dissolved in dry N,N-dimethyl formamide (100 ml) and potassium tert-butoxide (14.28 g, 
0.1272 mol) was added in one lot at room temperature. The reaction mass was stirred at 
ambient temperature for 2-3 hours and 4-chloro-N-methyl picolinamide (18.09 g, 0.1060 
mol) was added in one lot. The reaction mass was maintained at 60-70°C for 2-3 hours 
and cooled to room temperature. It was then diluted with ethyl acetate and the organic 
25 layer was washed with water followed by 1N HCI and finally with brine. The organic layer 
was separated, dried over sodium sulfate and degassed to obtain solid. The obtained solid 
was stripped with ethyl acetate, finally slurried in acetonitrile (350 ml) at room temperature, 
filtered and vacuum dried to give 4-(4-{3-[4-Chloro-3- 

(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]ureido}phenoxy)-A/ 2 -methylpyridine-2-carboxamide (sorafenib) (32 
30 g). 

WO 2009/034308 



Example 12: Synthesis of Sorafenib Tosylate (Compound VII) 


carboxamide (sorafenib) (50 g, 0.1075 mol) was suspended in acetone (500 ml) at 
5 ambient temperature, p-toluene sulfonic acid (25 g, 0.1398 mol) was dissolved in acetone 
(250 ml) and this solution was charged to above reaction mass drop wise in 15 minutes 
and the obtained precipitate was stirred for 1-2 hours at ambient temperature, filtered and 
washed with acetone (100 ml). It was then vacuum dried for 12 hours at 50°C to afford 4- 
10 carboxamide tosylate (sorafenib tosylate) (65 g). 

Example 13: Synthesis of N-methyl-4-(4-ureidophenoxy)picolinamide (Compound 6) 

A solution of sodium cyanate (5.5 g, 0.0846 mol) in water (55 ml) was prepared. This clear 
15 solution was then added to the stirred solution of 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide hydrochloride (V) (25 g, 0.0894 mol) in water (125 ml) drop wise 
maintaining ambient temperature of the reaction mass. The reaction mass was then stirred 
for 24 hours at the same temperature and the obtained solid was then filtered, washed 
thoroughly with water and vacuum dried at 80°C to obtain (16 g) of the N-methyl-4-(4- 
20 ureidophenoxy)picolinamide . 

Example 14: Synthesis of Sorafenib 

N-methyl-4-(4-ureidophenoxy)picolinamide (50 g, 0.1746 mol), 1,8- 
25 diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (33.95 ml, 0.2270 mol) and 3-trifluoromethyl-4- 
chloroaniline (34.2 g, 0.1746 mol) were mixed with N,N-dimethyl formamide (200 ml) 
(DMF) and the reaction mass was heated to reflux for 24 hours. It was then cooled to room 
temperature and quenched in water (600 ml). The quenched mass was extracted 
repeatedly with ethyl acetate and the combined ethyl acetate layer was then back washed 
30 with water to remove DMF traces. It was then dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated 

WO 2009/034308 



under vacuum to obtain solid. The solid thus obtained was then slurried in ethyl acetate 
(400 ml) at ambient temperature and filtered to give 4-(4-(3-(4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)ureido)phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (sorafenib base) (64 g). 

5 Example 15: Synthesis of phenyl 4-(2-(methylcarbamoyl)pyridin-4- 
yloxy)phenylcarbamate (Compound 7) 

4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (35 g, 0.1440 mol) was dissolved in 
dichloromethane (350 ml) and pyridine (64 ml) was added to the reaction mass at ambient 

10 temperature. The reaction mass was then cooled to 0°C to -5°C and a solution of phenyl 
chloroformate (23.5 ml, 0.180 mol) in dichloromethane (125 ml) was added drop wise 
maintaining the temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. The reaction was stirred at 
0°C to 5°C for 1-2 hours and quenched with water (200 ml) below 10°C. The organic 
phase was separated, washed with water followed by 1N HCI (100 ml) and dried over 

15 sodium sulfate and then concentrated to obtain solid. This solid was agitated with hexane 
(350 ml) at ambient temperature for 2-3 hours and filtered. The obtained product was 
vacuum dried at 50°C to give 4-(2-(methylcarbamoyl)pyridin-4-yloxy)phenylcarbamate (48 
g) as pale yellow solid. 

20 Example 16: Synthesis of Sorafenib 

A mixture of 4-(2-(methylcarbamoyl)pyridin-4-yloxy)phenylcarbamate (25 g, 0.06871 mol) 
and 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (13.4 g, 0.06871 mol) in acetonitrile (250 ml) was 
refluxed for 24 hours when product precipitated out of reaction mass. The reaction mass 
25 was cooled to room temperature and obtained product was filtered, washed with 
acetonitrile till a clear filtrate was obtained. It was then vacuum dried to obtain 4-(4-(3-(4- 
chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)ureido)phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (sorafenib base) 
(28 g) 

WO 2009/034308 



Example 17: Synthesis of N-methyl-4-(4-(2,2,2- 

trichloroacetamido)phenoxy)picolinamide (Compound 8) 

The clear solution of 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (100 g, 0.411 mol) in 
5 dichloromethane (100 ml) was cooled to 0°C to -5°C and pyridine (83 ml, 1.02 mol) was 
added in one lot to the reaction mass. It was then agitated at same temperature for 15 
minutes and a solution of trichloroacetyl chloride (60 ml, 0.535 mol) in dichloromethane 
(500 ml) was added dropwise maintaining temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. 
The reaction mass was then stirred for 2-3 hours below 0°C and quenched with water (500 
10 ml) below 5°C. The organic phase was then separated and aqueous layer was reextracted 
with dichloromethane. The combined dichloromethane layer was washed with water, dried 
over sodium sulfate and evaporated under vacuum to obtain (72 g) of the desired product. 

Example 18: Synthesis of N-methyl-4-(4-(2,2,2- 

15 trichloroacetamido)phenoxy)picolinamide (Compound 8) 

The clear solution of 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (100 g, 0.411 mol) in 
dichloromethane (100 ml) was cooled to 0°C to -5°C and pyridine (83 ml, 1.02 mol) was 
added in one lot to the reaction mass. It was then agitated at same temperature for 15 

20 minutes and a solution of trichloroacid anhydride (98 ml, 0.535 mol) in dichloromethane 
(500 ml) was added dropwise maintaining temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. 
The reaction mass was then stirred for 2-3 hours below 0°C and quenched with water (500 
ml) below 5°C. The organic phase was then separated and aqueous layer was re- 
extracted with dichloromethane. The combined dichloromethane layer was washed with 

25 water, dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated under vacuum to obtain (70 g) of the 
desired product. 

Example 19: Synthesis of 

trichloroacetamido)phenoxy)picolinamide (Compound 8) 



WO 2009/034308 



4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (35 g, 0.144 mol ) was mixed with ethyl-2,2,2- 
trichloroacetate (50 ml, 0.27 mol) in toluene (350 ml) at ambient temperature . The mixture 
was then heated to 100°C under distillation mode for 2-3 hours. The organic solvent was 
degassed under reduced pressure to obtain oil. This oil was triturated with hexane (500 
5 ml) to obtain (49 g) of the desired solid. 

Example 20: Synthesis of Sorafenib 

N-methyl-4-(4-(2,2,2-trichlorochloroacetamido)phenoxy)picolinamide (25 g, 0.0644 mol) 
10 was dissolved in N,N-dimethyl formamide (75 ml). 1,8-Diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene 
(11.35 ml, 0.0805 mol) and 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (12.60 g, 0.0644 mol) were 
added in one lot. The reaction mass was then heated to 110°C for 8-9 hours, cooled to 
room temperature and quenched in water (250 ml). The quenched mass was extracted 
repeatedly with ethyl acetate and the combined ethyl acetate layer was back washed with 
15 water to remove DMF traces. It was dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated under 
vacuum to obtain solid. The obtained solid was slurried in ethyl acetate (350 ml) at 
ambient temperature and filtered to give 4-(4-(3-(4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyI)phenyl)ureido)phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (sorafenib base ) (20 g). 

20 Example 21: Synthesis of phenyl 4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamate 
(Compound 2) 

3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (55 g, 0.281 mol) and pyridine (56 ml, 0.7030 mol) were 
dissolved in dichloromethane (550 ml). The reaction mass was cooled to 0°C to -5°C and 

25 a solution of phenyl chloroformate (46 ml, 0.3515 mol) in dichloromethane (200 ml) was 
added drop wise maintaining the temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. The 
reaction mass was stirred at 0°C to 5°C for 1-2 hours and quenched with water (250 ml) 
below 10°C. The organic phase was separated and washed with water followed by 1N HCI 
(100 ml). It was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated to obtain solid. This solid was 

30 agitated with hexane (500 ml) at ambient temperature for 2-3 hours and filtered. The 

WO 2009/034308 



obtained product was the vacuum dried at 50°C to give phenyl 4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamate (85 g) as white solid. 

Example 22: Synthesis of Sorafenib 


Phenyl 4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamate (100 g, 0.3174 mol) and 4-(4- 
aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (77.14 g, 0.3174 mol) were dissolved in N,N- 
dimethyl formamide (300 ml) to obtain a clear reaction mass. The reaction mass was 
agitated at 40-45°C for 2-3 hours, cooled to room temperature and diluted with ethyl 

10 acetate (1000 ml). The organic layer was washed with water (250 ml) followed by 1N HCI 
(250ml) and finally with brine (250 ml). The organic layer was separated, dried over 
sodium sulfate and degassed to obtain solid. This solid was stripped with ethyl acetate and 
finally slurried in ethyl acetate (1000 ml) at room temperature. It was then filtered and 
vacuum dried to give (118 g) of 4-(4-(3-(4-chloro-3- 

15 (trifluoromethyl)phenyl)ureido)phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (sorafenib base). 

Example 23: Synthesis of 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)urea (Compound 4) 

Sodium cyanate (1.7 g, 0.02mol) was dissolved in water (17ml) at room temperature to 
20 obtain a clear solution. This solution was then charged drop wise to the clear solution of 3- 
trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (5 g, 0.025 mol) in acetic acid (25 ml) at 40°C-45°C within 1- 
2 hours. The reaction mass was agitated for whole day and cooled gradually to room 
temperature. The obtained solid was filtered washed with water and vacuum dried at 50°C 
to afford the desired product (5.8 g) i.e. 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)urea. 


Example 24: Synthesis of Sorafenib 

1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl)urea (15 g, 0.0628 mol), 1,8- 
diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (11.75 ml, 0.078 mol) and 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
30 methylpicolinamide (15.27 g,0.0628 mol) were mixed with dimethyl sulfoxide (45 ml) and 

WO 2009/034308 



the reaction mass was then heated to 110-120°C for 12-18 hours. The reaction mass was 
cooled to room temperature and quenched in water (250 ml). The quenched mass was 
extracted repeatedly with ethyl acetate and the combined ethyl acetate layer was then 
back washed with water. It was dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated under vacuum 
5 to obtain solid. The obtained solid was slurried in acetonitrile (150 ml) at ambient 
temperature and filtered to give 4-(4-(3-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) ureido) 
phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (sorafenib base) (17.5 g). 

Example 25: Synthesis of 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) 
10 acetamide. (Compound 3) 

The clear solution of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (45 g, 0.230 mol) and pyridine (37 
ml, 0.460 mol) in dichloromethane (450 ml) cooled at 0°C to -5°C and a solution of 
trichloroacetyl chloride (31 ml, 0.2876 mol) in dichloromethane (100 ml) was added drop 

15 wise maintaining temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. The reaction mass was 
then stirred for 1 hour below 0°C and quenched with water (250 ml) below 5°C. The 
organic phase was separated and aqueous layer was re-extracted with dichloromethane. 
The combined dichloromethane layer was washed with water, dried over sodium sulfate 
and evaporated under vacuum to obtain (62 g) of the desired product i.e. 2,2,2-trichloro-N- 

20 (4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) acetamide. 

Example 26: Synthesis of 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) 
acetamide. (Compound 3) 

25 The clear solution of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (45 g, 0.230 mol) and pyridine (37 
ml, 0.460 mol) in dichloromethane (450 ml) cooled at 0°C to -5°C and a solution of 
trichloroacid anhydride (54.85 ml, 0.299 mol) in dichloromethane ( 100 ml) was added drop 
wise maintaining temperature of the reaction mass below 0°C. The reaction mass was 
then stirred for 1 hour below 0°C and quenched with water (250 ml) below 5°C. The 

30 organic phase was separated and aqueous layer was re-extracted with dichloromethane. 

WO 2009/034308 



The combined dichloromethane layer was washed with water, dried over sodium sulfate 
and evaporated under vacuum to obtain (60 g) of the desired product i.e. 2,2,2-trichloro-N- 
(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) acetamide. 

5 Example 27: Synthesis of 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) 
acetamide. (Compound 3) 

3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline (60 g, 0.3067 mol) with ethyl-2,2,2-trichloro acetate (120 
ml, 0.6134 mol ) were mixed in toluene (600 ml) at room temperature. The mixture was 
10 then refluxed for 2-3 hours. The organic solvent was degassed under reduced pressure to 
obtain oil. This oil was stirred with hexane (1000 ml) to obtain 2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3- 
(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)acetamide (100 g). 

Example 28: Synthesis of Sorafenib 


2,2,2-trichloro-N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)acetamide (45 g, 0.1319 mol) was 
refluxed in N,N-dimethyl formamide (100 ml) with 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene 
(24.67 ml, 0.1649 mol) and 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (32.07 g, 0.1319 
mol) for 24 hours and cooled to room temperature. The reaction mass was quenched in 

20 water (1000 ml). The quenched mass was extracted repeatedly with ethyl acetate and the 
combined ethyl acetate layer was then back washed with water to remove DMF traces. It 
was dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated under vacuum to obtain solid. The obtained 
solid was slurried in ethyl acetate (1000 ml) at ambient temperature and filtered to give 4- 
(4-(3-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl) ureido)phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide 

25 (sorafenib base) (52 g). 

Example 29: Synthesis of 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-hydroxyurea 
(Compound 9) 

WO 2009/034308 



Ethyl 4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamate (10 g, 0.0373 mol) and hydroxyl amine 
hydrochloride (13 g, 0.1868 mol) were refluxed in acetic acid for 12 hours and the organic 
layer was evaporated under vacuum to get oil. This oil was mixed with water (100 ml) and 
the obtained precipitate was stirred at room temperature for 1-2 hours. The obtained solid 
5 was filtered and washed thoroughly with water. The wet cake was vacuum dried at 50°C to 
afford 1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-hydroxyurea (6.8 g) as a white crystalline 

Example 30: Synthesis of Sorafenib 


1-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-hydroxyurea (5 g, 0.0196 mol) was suspended in 
N,N-dimethyl formamide (15 ml) with triethyl amine (8.2 ml, 0,0589 mol) and 4-(4- 
aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (4.7 g, 0.0196 mol). The reaction mass was then 
heated to 125°C for 4 days. The reaction mass was concentrated under reduced pressure 

15 and the obtained residue was quenched with water (50 ml) at room temperature. The 
aqueous layer was extracted repeatedly with ethyl acetate and the combined ethyl acetate 
layer was back washed with water. Degassing of the ethyl acetate gave semisolid which 
upon agitation in acetonitrile (50 ml) at ambient temperature for 2-3 hours gave desired 
product. The product was filtered and vacuum dried to obtain 4-(4-(3-(4-chloro-3- 

20 (trifluoromethyl)phenyl)ureido)phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide (sorafenib base) ( 2.5 g). 

Example 31 : Synthesis of Sorafenib Tosylate 

25 (sorafenib base) (100 g, 0.2152 mol) was suspended in acetone ( 1000 ml) at ambient 
temperature, p-toluene sulfonic acid (50 g, 0.290 mol ) was dissolved in acetone (500 ml) 
and this solution was charged to above reaction mass drop wise in 15 minutes. The 
obtained precipitate was stirred for 1-2 hours at ambient temperature, filtered and washed 
with acetone (500 ml). It was vacuum dried for 12 hours at 50°C to afford 4-(4-(3-(4-chloro- 

WO 2009/034308 



3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)ureido)phenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide tosylate (Sorafenib 

It will be appreciated that the invention may be modified within the scope of the appended 
5 claims. 

WO 2009/034308 



1 . A compound of formula (A) 


wherein R' is selected from the group consisting of -C(0)OA, -C(0)CX 3 , -C(0)NH 2 ,-C(0)- 

NHOH or 


10 2. A compound according to claim 1, having formula (2) 




H I 

Carbamate derivative 

wherein A is alkyl or aryl. 

3. A process for preparing carbamate derivative (2) comprising reacting 3- 
15 trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline with a haloformate (2a) or a carbonate derivative (2b) in the 
presence of a base and a solvent 

WO 2009/034308 










3- irifluororrieth\l- 

4- chloro aniline 

on © 




H A 

Carbamate derivative 

wherein in haloformate (2a), A is alkyl or aryl, , and in carbonate (2b), A is alkyl, aryl or the 
two A groups taken together form a 5 to 7 membered ring. 

4. A compound according to claim 1, having formula (3) 

Anilide derivative (3) 

wherein X is halogen. 


5. A process for preparing anilide derivative (3) comprising reacting 3-trifluoromethyl- 
4-chloroaniline with a trihaloalkyl halide, a trihaloalkyl anhydride or a trihaloalkyl ester to 
obtain anilide derivative (3) 



x cx~ 

OR 3 
(CX3CO) 2 0 OR 



Trihaloalkyl halide 
or anhydride or ester 


wherein X is halogen and R is alkyl group. 

WO 2009/034308 



A compound according to claim 1, having formula (4) 

Urea derivative (4) 

7. A process for preparing urea derivative (4) comprising reacting 3-trifluoromethyl-4- 
chloroaniline with an alkali cyanate in the presence of an acid to obtain urea derivative (4) 

MOCN ci 


I j 


aniline |>ea derivative (4) 


wherein M is an alkali metal. 

8. A compound according to claim 1, having formula (1) 

H H 


9. A process for preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting carbamate 
derivative (2) with 4-aminophenol in the presence of a solvent 


WO 2009/034308 




wherein A is alkyl or aryl. 

10. A process according to claim 9, wherein the carbamate derivative (2) is prepared 
5 according to claim 3. 

11. A process for preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting anilide 
derivative (3) with 4-aminophenol in a solvent to obtain compound (1) 

wherein X is halogen. 

12. A process according to claim 11, wherein the anilide derivative (3) is prepared 
according to claim 5. 


13. A process for preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting urea 
derivative (4) with 4-aminophenol in a solvent to obtain compound (1). 






N NH, 

Urea derivative (4) 



N N 
H H 

WO 2009/034308 



14. A process according to claim 13, wherein the urea derivative (4) is prepared 
according to claim 7. 

5 15. A process for preparing a compound of formula (1) comprising reacting phenoxy 
urea (5) with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in a solvent in the presence of a base to 
obtain compound (1). 




Phenaxy Lrea (5) 



3- iriflu orom ethyl- 4- chlo ro 


H H 1 J 


16. A process according to claim 15, wherein the phenoxy urea (5) is prepared by 
reacting 4-aminophenol with an alkali cyanate in the presence of an acid to obtain 
phenoxy urea (5) 










Phenoxy urea (5) 

15 wherein M is an alkali metal. 

17. A compound of formula (6) 





WO 2009/034308 



18. A process for preparing a compound of formula (6) comprising reacting 4-(4- 
aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with an alkali cyanate in the 
presence of a protic solvent to obtain compound (6) 


jsj u " 1 £f 


4-(4-aminophenoxy)- N- 
methiylpicoliramicte [V) 

wherein M is an alkali metal. 


19. A compound of formula (7) 


wherein A is alkyl or aryl. 

20. A process for preparing compound (7) comprising reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
15 methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with a haloformate or a carbonate derivative in the 
presence of a base to obtain compound (7) 

WO 2009/034308 



2a 2b 


4-{4-aminopheno)cy)-N- ■ ^ 

methyl pi colinamide (V) v ^r^-^"*'^ , ^-r^ 

+ OR 


0 ^ o 




wherein X is halogen and in haloformate (2a) A is alkyl or aryl, and in carbonate (2b), A is 
alkyl, aryl or the two A groups taken together form a 5 to 7 membered ring. 


21 . A compound of formula (8) 


wherein X is halogen. 


22. A process for preparing compound (8) comprising reacting 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with a trihaloalkyl halide, a trihaloanhydride or a trihalo 
ester to obtain intermediate (8) 



f ^^° -^>^w^ NH x cx 3 Q o 

\J ' (CX3CO) 2 OOR Jl Jfj 


4^{4^aminopheroxy)-N- *~ 

methyl pi coli rami de [V) Trihaloalkyl halide 

-| g + or anhydride or ester 1£J 

WO 2009/034308 PCT/GB2008/003048 


wherein X is halogen and R is alkyl group. 

23. A compound according to claim 1 , having formula (9) 



« A r„ 

24. A process for preparing hydroxyl urea derivative (9) comprising reacting carbamate 
derivative (2) with a hydroxyl amine in a protic solvent 







H T 


Carbamate derivative 

(2) m 


wherein A is alkyl or aryl. 

25. A process for preparing sorafenib or a salt thereof comprising the use of a 
1 5 compound of formula (A) 

WO 2009/034308 



wherein R' is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, -C(0)OA, -C(0)CX 3 , - 


C(0)NH 2) -C(0)-NHOH or 

5 26. A process according to claim 25, comprising reacting a compound of formula (1) 
with 4-chloro-N-methyl-2-pyridine carboxamide in the presence of a base to obtain 






H H 

4-chloro-N -methyl 
-2-pyridine carboxamide 

H H 




27. A process according to claim 26, wherein the compound of formula (1) has been 
prepared according to any one of claims 9 to 16. 

28. A process according to claim 25, comprising reacting compound (6) with 3- 
15 trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in the presence of a base and a solvent to obtain sorafenib. 


(6} + SORAFENIB (|) 

20 29. A process according to claim 28, wherein the compound of formula (6) has been 
prepared according to claim 18. 

WO 2009/034308 



30. A process according to claim 25, wherein R' is hydrogen and the process comprises 
reacting compound (7) with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline to obtain sorafenib 

3-trifluoromethyt-4-chloro H H 



5 wherein A is alkyl or aryl. 

31. A process according to claim 30, wherein compound (7) has been prepared 
according to claim 20. 

10 32. A process according to claim 25, wherein R' is hydrogen and the process comprises 
reacting compound (8) with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-chloroaniline in the presence of a base to 
obtain sorafenib 


► >r^i d Nr^r^NH 

Cx * H " 3-irifluorometh^4.chloro B B 



15 wherein X is halogen. 

33. A process according to claim 32, wherein compound (8) has been prepared 
according to claim 22. 

20 34. A process according to claim 25, wherein R' is -C(0)OA and the compound of 
formula (A) is a carbamate derivative of formula (2) 

WO 2009/034308 









wherein A is alkyl or aryl, the process comprising condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with carbamate derivative (2) to obtain sorafenib. 

5 35. A process according to claim 34, wherein compound (2) has been prepared 
according to claim 3. 

36. A process according to claim 25, wherein R' is -C(0)CX 3 and the compound of 
formula (A) is an anilide derivative of formula (3) 

wherein X is halogen, wherein the process comprises condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N- 
methylpicolinamide or a salt thereof with anilide derivative (3) in the presence of a base to 
15 obtain sorafenib. 

37. A process according to claim 36, wherein compound (3) has been prepared 
according to claim 5. 

20 38. A process according to claim 25, wherein R' is -C(0)NH2 and the compound of 
formula (A) is a urea derivative of formula (4) 



Anilide derivative (3) 

WO 2009/034308 





N H 

Oea derivative (4j 

the process comprising condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a salt 
5 thereof with the urea derivative (4) in the presence of a base to obtain sorafenib. 

39. A process according to claim 38, wherein the urea derivative (4) is prepared 
according to claim 7. 

10 40. A process according to claim 25, wherein R' is -C(0)-NHOH and the compound of 
formula (A) is a hydroxy urea derivative (9) 

and the process comprises by condensing 4-(4-aminophenoxy)-N-methylpicolinamide or a 
salt thereof with hydroxy urea derivative (9) to obtain sorafenib. 

41. A process according to claim 40, wherein compound (9) has been prepared 
20 according to claim 24. 


WO 2009/034308 



42. A process according to any one of claims 25 to 41, wherein sorafenib is converted 
to sorafenib tosylate.